
Eric S. V. B.
2 min readSep 24, 2020

When everything flows so fast, when things start spinning, when people stare into your eyes and your soul, when you walk down the street and the cars pass through you, the clouds are bigger than buildings and the you bigger than buildings, when electricity jolts through your body and makes you forget and you move your leg and your other leg one step at a time, one kiss at a time, one bite at a time, and you meet the ghosts, the ones that smile, the ones that cry, the cursed ones that fall against you, the seven faces in the body, and the seven bodies with one face, the creatures shooting camouflages, when your blotted eyes seem like blotted mountains and you feel like drinking their juice and tasting their texture, when the machine guns rattle inside of the vase of the planet, and the crazy ones look crazier, the normal ones look crazy, nobody looks for love but for madness and realize they are the same thing, when the dreams you are and the dreams you have become the same thing and you find out you did not want either, when the fingers touch other fingers and your mouth swallows worms with need, when the daily occurrences seem to happen at night, when you can see the sun directly and bleed only tears of happiness, when you meet the invalid lonely, the pure freaks, the warned unhappy, the twisted beautiful, the oppressed that like being oppressed and the oppressors who hang themselves, when you think of necessary respect, when you think of blue lips and funny trees, when you think of childhood blankets and parenthood rain, when you think of the great walls of a knowledgeable planet, when you think of the great rules of the devouring universe, when there are worthless treasures to be found and repulsive people to meet and these treasures are close to you and you love these people regardless of anything, when your child tells you of his travels and his world becomes smaller as yours becomes older, when your city loses itself in the dawn and you wake up and there’s no trace of the place you used to walk even if everything’s the same, when you are sick of feeling and sick of being sick, when you forget how to think ugly of the ones you care about, when you leave your arms in the road and no one bothers to pick them up, when your tear feels a lot like your last tear and your shrug feels a lot like your last shrug, and your last breath feels a lot like your last breath, and your last thought seems a lot like your first thought, when nobody seems to laughing anymore, when you feel reality as it really is, you find out the bullet passes right through, that your life has been spending itself just thinking, and that you never felt a rush this exciting a mere moment before you…



Eric S. V. B.

I like to write for some reason so I’m doing it here. I’ll try write something every day, and hopefully, get better at it.